Graduation exams 2022

       The State Exams in choreographic disciplines have taken place this week. Finally, students have got through intense preparation, many hours of rehearsals and endless worries. This year 8 foreign students from Italy, Romania, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and the USA are graduating from the Bolshoi Ballet Academy.

Classical dance exam


This year, foreign students took classical dance and duet exams on the stage of the Academy’s Theater. Rachel Mortensen from Canada comments: “Stage is incredible to dance on. It was more like the performance and we experienced various emotions there. We are definitely very happy to be finished after 4 years at the Academy”.

Character dance exam

Classical dance and duet were the most difficult exams and were hard in different ways. Fion Ballard from the USA notes: “We have mirror in class, so we can feel more stable as on stage we feel floating and cannot quickly find exactly where we are”. Ria Adachi from the USA says that duet was hard because they should trusted not just themselves but a partner as well.

Acting exam

The graduates are going to miss teachers, training and performances, they feel a mix of happiness and sadness at the same time. The students have to pass the last exam in June and then it will be the long-awaited presentation of diplomas.

We wish them good luck!

Photos by Alisa Aslanova and Elizaveta Emel’kina.

The Bolshoi Ballet Academy Principal
Visits the Kemerovo Branch in Siberia

From march 31 through April 3, the Principal of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy Marina K. Leonova visited the city of Kemerovo in Siberia, where she inspected the BBA branch facilities and met with E. Tsyvilev, the Governor of the Kemerovo Oblast.

Ms. Leonova had a productive meeting with the faculty and students of the BBA Branch, attended a classical dance training session, inspected the dormitory, the training stage, the pool and recreation rooms located in the BBA Branch building. “This is a real 21st century school! This is the way to build educational facilities these days – with all the conveniences and amenities! This is a real gift to the children. The only thing they have to do is study well!”, said Ms. Leonova.

Method of Teaching Classical Ballet for beginner classes (First year).

The program was taught by the Bolshoi Ballet Academy teachers Evgenia Kazeyeva from 2 to 6 March and Liudmila Kovalenko from 9 to 13 March, 2022. The seminars were attended by ballet teachers from all over the world.

These seminars were organized jointly by the partner of the Academy, Russian Ballet International.

Photos by Alexander Kabanov and Elizaveta Emel’kina.

Bolshoi Ballet Academy Audition in London, the United Kingdom
14-18 February, 2022

Our first joint Winter Intensive course with Russian Ballet International (the Academy’s partner) in the United Kingdom!


The Academy teachers Irina M. Pyatkina and Evgenia S. Kazeyeva spent five days in London working with English students. Everyday they were giving classes in ballet technique, points, repertoire, character dance, and stretch class for beginners, intermediate and advanced level students at Pineapple Studio in London.

Despite the very busy schedule, they were happy to get acquainted with Mr. Christopher Powney, Artistic Director of The Royal Ballet School, whom we are looking forward to see in Moscow in November 2023!

Online Pre-Ballet teacher training seminar at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy

We are pleased to introduce you the program Method of teaching preparational physicality, musicality, and body development for pre-ballet level. It includes the preparational course that helps to prepare a child for studies in a professional ballet school. The program was taught by the Bolshoi Ballet Academy teacher Evgenia Kazeyeva to the accompaniment of Goryacheva Marina from 2 to 6 February, 2022.

Program’s curriculum included:

1. Parterre gymnastics – development of physical ability.

2. Rhythmics – develops a sense of rhythm in children. Helps to move in accordance with the character, tempo and rhythm of a particular piece of music.

3. Classical dance – preparation for mastering the basics of classical dance. Familiarization with the elementary vocabulary of classical dance, setting the body, arms, legs, head in correct positions.

4. Dance etudes – exploring various dances and choreographies for children: Polonaise, Menuet, Gavot, Polka, etc.


This seminar was organized jointly with the partner of the Academy, Russian Ballet International.

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