From July 6 through August 7, members of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy faculty conducted lessons in Russian and master classes in dance disciplines for American students within the framework of the National Security Language Initiative for Youth – Russian Language and Culture Moscow Intensive – a project the Academy has been pursuing together with the Russian American Foundation.

The project has been underway for a number of years, but this year, the teachers had to change the format because of the COVID-19 pandemic. They used a teleconferencing / online education platform to conduct their classes.

Earlier this year, 29 students from the USA were interviewed and selected to participate in a five week-long program.

Alexander Pshenicin was in charge of master classes in dance-related disciplines. In his classes, he focuses on perfection of individual performance, development of advanced ballet techniques, stamina and musical sense of the participants.

Elena Strizhenok, Natalia Plutalovskaya, Sofia Ryabova, Ivanna Prokopova and Lyudmila Shatilina conducted Russian lessons, in order to develop communicational skills of the students, to support both day-to-day and socio-cultural communications of the students.

The joint Summer Online Masterclasses organized by the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and Russian Ballet International have come to an end.

Participants spent two weeks perfecting their class exercise and ballet variation skills. As well as stretching techniques. Upon the completion of the program, we interviewed the Academy faculty and staff members – Ekaterina Trunina and Liudmila Ermakova (classical dance teachers), Marina Goryacheva (accompanist) and Alexander Kabanov (director of broadcast).

Our broadcast provides a firsthand account on the progress of masterclasses and technical innovations used to support the program, along with an insight about the need for live accompaniment during online masterclasses.

Translated by Dmitry Linyaev
Interviewer: Elizaveta Emel’kina

Please find the full text of the interview at the link below:  The Bolshoi Ballet Academy. Online Summer Masterclasses

The first week of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and Russian Ballet International summer Online Masterclasses comes to an end.

By that moment, the students from Europe, Japan, Australia, China, Mexico and other countries have learned a lot from Russian ballet technique.

Inability to practice «live» ballet classes in the studios of the Academy didn’t make lessons less productive or interesting.

Teachers Ekaterina Trunina and Liudmila Ermakova did their best to help every student with movement and pose, they paid special attention to poses and accents, assured that every nuances of variations are noticed and worked out.

Online classes are held in real time, the studios of the Academy are equipped with large screens and professional cameras.

Every ballet class is held with live music.

In the video, we have opened the doors of the Academy’s ballet studio and are ready to present the process of studying from the inside.

Text: Elizaveta Emel’kina
Music: Marina Goryacheva

The first Bolshoi Ballet Academy Online Masterclasses.

On July 27, online masterclasses began as a part of the summer program of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and Russian Ballet International. The students from all over the world will study ballet class, variations, pointe technique and stretching online with the Academy’s teachers for two weeks.

We are pleased to announce the first backstage video from the preparation for the masterclasses.

The link of the project:

Music: Marina Goryacheva
Text: Elizaveta Emel’kina

Self-Isolation Ballet — Stefanija Gashtarska

It has been almost two months since the beginning of self-isolation regime at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy. During that time, lives and daily routines of the students have changed dramatically, in line with the circumstances. We have interviewed four students – girls from Macedonia, Japan and Bulgaria. We talked about things they do at their “home theatres” in order to stay fit, things they do in order to maintain mental fitness and things they have missed most of all through the self-isolation time. 

Stefanija Gashtarska, student of III A grade (teacher – Irina M. Pyatkina), starts her training routine at 9 o’clock in the morning. In an hour after the start, she does gymnastics under Boris Knyazev’s method. After that she does a full-fledged lesson (“I do bar exercises, exercises in he middle, jumps and pointe work. In the end I work on my pirouettes and wrap everything up with fouette exercises. Exercises in confined space help an awful lot, and I certainly recommend them to everyone!”. That’s the routine she does every day, except Sunday. “After the class, I usually have online classes in teaching techniques, psychology, Russian language, etc. After that, I dine with my family, Sometimes, Mom and I cook tasty and healthy desserts”. After supper and her homework, Stefanija is sure to do a round of stretching before she goes to bed. In response to the question about things she does to keep her spirit up, she said “I am a naturally merry and cheerful person.  Now I am with my family, and I am very happy about that. So, I see no reason to be blue!”.

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