Accommodation at the dormitory

The Bolshoi Ballet Academy provides accommodation for international students accepted into programs of intermediate vocation education (full-time educational programs and traineeship programs) for the entire period of their studies, under conditions equal to the ones offered to others residing at the dormitory.

The Dormitory, located on the 3rd floor of the Academy building, is equipped with a TV, Wi-Fi, fridge, piano, furniture, cooking and laundry facilities. Вed linens are provided as well.

Medical Care

The Bolshoi Ballet Academy provides the students with urgent (emergency) medical aid at the walk-in medical clinic located on its premises within the framework of its term of reference, as per its legal status as established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Availability of a medical insurance policy is a mandatory condition for enrollment with the Academy.


Transportation to and from the Academy upon arrival to Moscow / departure from the Academy is the responsibility of the students or their parents/legal guardians.

Arrangements for transportation of  students enrolled with the Academy, members of their families, their legal guardians and other accompanying persons are considered to be a part of the said responsibility.



Parents/guardians and relatives of the students are welcome to talk to the teachers and staff during the school year.

Please contact to make arrangements prior to your visit.

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