Students are admitted to the Bolshoi Ballet Academy through an audition process which takes place during the entire year.
International students should submit a video (no longer than 15-20 minutes) showing their class work.
The audition is a ballet class comprising bar, center work, basic adagio, allegro, point work and variation, if any.
Please, be sure to include the following exercises into your video.
Girls. For students 13-14 years old: Boys. For students 13-14 years old:
Bar: Bar:
Demi-plies + Grands plies Demi-plies + Grands plies
Battements tendus Battements tendus
Battements fondus Battements tendus + jete
Adagio Battements fondus
Grands battements jetes Adagio
Grands battements
Center work: Center work:
Temps lie on 90 dg (without demi-point) Battements tendus + jete
Battements tendus + pirouettes Battements fondu
Grands battements
Allegro: Allegro:
Pas echappe + Changement de pied Temps saute (I, II, V positions)
Pas assemble Pas echappe battu
Pas jete Pas assemble
Sissonne ouverte Pas jete
Sissonne ferme
Point work:
Releve + Pas echappe
Sissonne simple + Pirouettes
Girls. For students 15 + years old: Boys. For students 15 + years old:
Bar: Bar:
Grand plie Demi-plies + Grands plies
Battements tendus + jete Battements tendus
Rond de jambe par terre + en l’air Battements tendus + jete
Battements fondu Rond de jambe par terre + grand rond
Adagio de jambe jete
Battements fondu Adagio
Grands battements jetes Grand battement
Center work: Center work:
Temps lie on 90 dg with tire-bouchon Battements tendus + battements
Battemets tendus + Pirouettes + jete tendus
Battemets tendus + Grand fouetté en efface Grand battement
+ Tours in big poses Battements fondu
Grands battements jetes Pirouettes + grand pirouettes
Allegro: Allegro:
Pas echappe battu + Pas assemble battu Temps saute (I, II, V positions)
Pas jete battu + pas brise Pas echappe battu
Sissonne ouverte Pas assemble battu
Grand pas assemble + Grand pas jete Pas jete
Sissonne farme
Tours en l’air
Jete entrelace
Point work:
Pas echappe en tournant
Sissonne simple + pirouettes
Adagio + Grand fouetté en effacee
Tour degage + tour pique (diagonals)
Along with the video, every applicant has to submit a Personal Data Form, an Audition Application and a copy of the passport (first page with a photo).