People’s Artist of Russia

Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Award

Ph.D., arts criticism


Cavalier of the Order for Merit to the Fatherland, IV class

Cavalier of the Order of Honor

Ad Honoraria Member of the Russian Academy of Arts,

Associate Member of Peter the Great Academy of Arts and Science

Member of the Public Council of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture

Member of the National Steering Board for Support of Young Talent

Co-chairperson of the Steering Board for Choreography Education of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture

Member of the Expert Panel of the Sirius Educational Center

Marina Leonova was born in Moscow on February 18, 1949.

Educational background

The Moscow Academic School of Ballet (graduated in 1968 with the title of “Ballet performer”);

— The A.V. Lunacharsky State Institute of Theater Arts (graduated with honors in 1991 with the title of “Dance teacher and choreographer”).

Professional background

— 1969 — 1989 — soloist of the Bolshoi Theater ballet company.
Performed in primo parties in classical and modern ballet shows: the Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Gizelle, Chopiniana, legend of Love, Stone Flower, Spartacus, Gayane, etc.

Educational activities background

— over 27 years of her educational activities Ms. Leonova nurtured over 100 students, many of whom are prima-ballerinas at the Bolshoi, as well as numerous Russian and foreign theaters.

— Ms. Leonova’s students including acclaimed ballerinas N. Osipova, S. Lunkina, K. Ryzhkova, etc. are winners of well-known international and national ballet competition, including 3 Grand Prix awards.


Educational activity accomplishments and awards

— The Sole of the Dance Award in “Maitre of Dance” nomination (2011);

— Best Ballet Teacher Diploma at 4th International Y. Grigorovich Competition “Young Ballet of the World” (2012);

— Ad-hoc Diploma for “Training of the Competition Participant” at the First National Competition of Young Ballet Performers “Russian Ballet” (2013);

—  The Natalia I. Sats Golden Medal for outstanding creative contribution in the development of arts (2013);

— The Ekaterina Maximova Award for “Successful Education of Future Ballet Performers” (2013).

Sientific research

— Ph.D. thesis topic: “The Role of Moscow School of Ballet in Creative Activities of the Bolshoi Theater (1945-1970)”; the title of Ph.D. in arts criticism awarded in 2009;

— Ms. Leonova is the author of more than 100 research papers including the book “Glimpses of History of the Moscow Ballet School (1773–1917)”.

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